Autismatically Beautiful10On July 11, 2016February 13, 2019By Ire Pearl CentreIn Blog A touching Poem! Today I choose to stand before you and be completely vulnerable, totally see through. Not for sympathy,...
Early Intervention and Autism00On July 4, 2016February 13, 2019By Ire Pearl CentreIn Blog An effective early intervention programme targets the skills and deficits observed during early diagnosis of autism. Some of the earliest...
Impact of Positive Attitude on Individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorder00On June 30, 2016February 13, 2019By Ire Pearl CentreIn Blog Read through! #AutismAcceptance #IrePearlCentre. One of the greatest lessons I ever learned in college was the ability to lead through, “The...
Working Memory00On June 1, 2016February 13, 2019By Ire Pearl CentreIn Blog Working memory refers to how we hold on to and work with information stored in short-term memory. Children use working...
The Road Less Travelled!00On May 21, 2016February 13, 2019By Ire Pearl CentreIn Blog Parents report how easy it was to go down the route of medicating their child when behaviour challenged everyone around...
How this barber helped a little boy with autism learn to love haircuts00On May 14, 2016February 13, 2019By Ire Pearl CentreIn Blog Haircuts once sparked meltdowns for 8-year-old Michael Flores, while also creating loads of stress for his mom, Joan. But thanks...
Pablo Pineda: 10 Things To Know About First Person With Down Syndrome To Graduate College540On May 14, 2016February 13, 2019By Ire Pearl CentreIn Blog Pablo Pineda has made of his life an on-going learning experience. Pineda, now 41 years old, was the first person...
UK grocery store to offer ‘quiet hours’ for autistic shoppers51On May 14, 2016February 13, 2019By Ire Pearl CentreIn Blog A supermarket in the U.K. is set to offer special hours for autistic and disabled shoppers who may get stressed...